Why Every Business Needs a Cybersecurity Response Plan

chuck thumbs up because he has a cybersecurity response plan

Whether you’re a small business or a giant corporation, cybercriminals are constantly on the lookout for vulnerabilities they can exploit. The time to develop a response plan is not after an attack happens—it’s right now.

Three Key Ways to Harness AI for Business Success

ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, AI Image Creation for business success

Nearly every software company is promoting their AI tool. But with so many options, where do you even start? This blog post will simplify three key ways to harness AI for business success; ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, and AI Image Creation.
But we won’t just mention them, we’ve got a link in each section to on-demand webinars that will show exactly how you can harness these three key AI trends for your business success.

How to Spot and Prevent Wire Fraud

a bad guy sitting at a desk and committing wire fraud how to spot and prevent wire fraud

“Show me the money!” Everyone wants their payments, and they want them now.
But of course, they also want their payments to be delivered securely.
The convenience and frequency of wire transfers attract a great number of bad guys who want to trick and exploit businesses into mistakingly transferring money where it should not be going.
As the risk of wire fraud increases, there’s a great need to know how to spot and prevent wire fraud. This guide will highlight how cybercriminals commit wire fraud and share actionable tips to safeguard your business from these horrible losses.

Top Ways To Get The Most Out of Microsoft Teams

Top ways to get the most out of Microsoft Teams. The features you should be using in your business to improve communication and productivity.

Effective communication is essential to move any business forward however, many businesses struggle with information falling into a messaging void, causing missed deadlines, confused team members, frustrated managers, and even lost revenue. Clearing up these communication issues isn’t as simple as choosing the right messaging app, it’s about choosing the right ways to utilize your messaging app.
With Microsoft Teams averaging 270 million daily users vs. Slack’s 35 million daily users, we’ve decided to share a few Microsoft Teams features you can use to improve communication and collaboration in your business.