Clearing up Confusion About Cloud Computing

By: Karl Bickmore, CEO, Snap Tech IT Cloud computing remains elusive for most organizations. The many approaches to strategy and numerous vendors have made it a confusing world. Most of you realize that you should be doing at least some of your business in the cloud. But do you often wonder if all your information technology […]
What Your IT Person Can Learn from Your Inbox

Everyone loves to learn more about themselves. We are captivated by personality tests, compatibility quizzes, surveys that tell us about ourselves, and even a non-scientific IQ test now and then. So, it’s no surprise that our behavior and our personalities show up in our work habits as well. Email is no exception. But what can […]
What is Your Backup Plan? Managing Data Breach Recovery

By: Karl Bickmore, CEO, Snap Tech IT The Capital One data breach is another astounding example of how your data can be compromised. Pile that one on top of the Equifax disaster that affected so many, and it seems that nobody in the US with a bank account or a credit card can avoid a data […]
Why you Need Threat Detection for your Antivirus or Firewall

Nobody in their right mind would suggest you leave your door unlocked at night or when you’re on vacation. However, if someone can pick that door lock, or break the window right next to the door, they will still enter and burglarize your home. What you need along with your door lock, is something that […]
How to Take Charge of Your IT Support

By: Karl Bickmore, COO, Snap Tech IT Gone are the days when you could rely on your “IT guy” to know everything about IT support. Before the Internet as we know it today and cloud computing, IT support for small businesses was pretty simple. Companies’ IT systems included desktop PCs connected to a dedicated server. All […]
Do You Have an IT Roadmap for the Future?

By: Karl Bickmore, CEO, Snap Tech IT In my years supporting and advising hundreds of businesses on their IT strategy, I’ve noticed some common practices: While most small- and medium-sized business (SMB) have strategies to grow their business with defined goals that extend 10 years and beyond, they often fail to plan for technology needs […]
Should Your Small or Medium Business Invest in Cloud-based Services?

By: Shawn Brown, COO, Snap Tech IT Even with today’s plethora of cloud-based services, many small or medium business (SMB) owners or managers view information technology (IT) as a necessary business expense. They make a significant investment in IT. This can include equipment, software and licensing, only to have it sit in a closet, server room, […]