7 Ways to Ensure Security Compliance of Your Financial Service Organization

Financial Compliance

For most of us, few things cause greater fear than hearing that our financial information has been breached. Or, even worse, that criminals have gained access to our funds. Many financial services organizations must now demonstrate their IT security and compliance in order to do business with new customers – not to mention satisfy nervous […]

Securing Business Data in the Cloud

Cloud graphic with computer, file cabinet, and 3 workers

You’ve heard the benefits of transitioning to the cloud. It’s cost-effective, easier to use, more flexibility, and the list goes on. But, many businesses wrestle with how they will secure the data in the cloud. And for good reason. Give your data the protection it needs with Cloud Solutions from Snap Tech IT.

5 Questions to Ask MSP Providers

Man on cell phone working on computer

By: Shawn Brown, COO, Snap Tech IT Vetting a Managed Services Provider can be confusing in a sea of providers that seem to offer everything you need to make your IT environment hum. How do you know if you’re asking the right questions, which ones are the most critical to your business, and what insights are […]